Add the same feature for filling out any/allnew app registration info and
Like it! Doesnt always work unless on a certain browser or maybe it has to be running in background- likely my fault. But I dig it.
I love the idea, its needed, I HATE with all the added categories we can elect to pre-fill bc every page online these days and pad or phone app requires SO much info. I just dump apps even if Im dying to have them that just require me to type basically anything- with fillr that works in apps too I wouldnt do that and it would be a major boost for all app companies across the board bc Im not the only one.
So this is needed and where its REALLY needed is within app registration themselves.
5 stars if you figure that out and Add the same feature for filling out any/all new app registration info (other apps would so be on board bc I can count myself likely 10,000+ apps downloaded over years never opened, dumped when I see the sign up, never registered, Ive deleted apps that I WANTED and researched and I make a lot of in app purchases and work too much on my phone with clients owning my own business. We all use apps for everything, seriously I swear I forget sometimes
Oh yeah I can make way better catalogues on my computer what am I doing? But the phone is ever near. Macs have to turn on and load. Lame. ;)
Great for mobile office types, travelers, humans, Dolphins, anyone who is sick
Of entering the same 10 things about ourselves on repeat every day, people
Who want to blow up their credit score with repeated applications (Hahahaha)
No doubt deletion and non registration of an app has a cost equals to the sales problem of online "shopping cart abandonment" so bad is this eternal registration cycle, clearly its an omitted level of Hell bc even Dante couldnt imagine tormenting even worst among us thus.
I HATE filling out endless registrations and my iPhone or iPad only do half the job and half of that is all crazy wrong so Im constantly correcting what Apple autofilled all insane, even after I went through great pains to fix my contact/Apple info for the autofill.
This App works much better and has so many more subjects that we are asked for 10x daily to pre-fill. I loathe typing on these screens but Im never on my laptop anymore. I have been waiting and looking for one of these for a long time I try 10-25
Of a type (if I can find as many or more) until I get the one app thats near perfect and with more features, so pick this one.
I want to see you add the most important need of all I see for apps and autofills for apps period: The same ability to fill in not just web pages as now but the same filler Within individual Apps registrations. Thatll be the winner of the auto fillers and boost all app follow through by multiple multiple multiple millions. I want to see you all happy forever on mega yachts and me never having to fill out another generic registration in a downloaded app or website (or supply order) ever again.
Belle Mad about
Mobile Autofill by Fillr, v1.2.5